Thursday, July 24, 2008

Diversion Two

Untitled,Acrylics on paper,45cm x 32cm.

Ideas such as this,often pop up when am tired and want to unwind.They are like my release valves,taking away the pressure.

Traditional gourd

Gourd,Acrylics on canvas,24"x20".

My passion for painting gourds and pots came from my short two year stay upcountry.It's also because of my great grandmother.She was the village potter in her time.


Spacewalk,Acrylics on paper,45cm x 32cm.

Some of this works don't have a specific explanation.The viewer should just enjoy the colours and shapes.

What I do

Pot in the light,Acrylics on canvas,24"x20".

I get my inspiration from African pots.Their unique shapes and texture influence my style greatly.