Wednesday, October 14, 2009

First video

Making art is an expensive affair.People here do it from their hearts,not for money or fame.
Personally I have friends who have nice artwork but can't show it due to high exhibition rates and transportation problems (since not all artists live in urban areas).
Thank God for the Internet, life now is a bit bearable.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

First experiments

Experiment on Optical art, Oil on card boards.

Working at home sometimes can make one to sort of "stray" from the usual and attempt other things.

First painting on wood

The Beach,Oil on cardboard,25" x 18".

Back then, curio subjects fascinated me.I would admire the sunsets and the wild landscapes.
The above painting came from a movie I had watched.Some scenes stick and eventually pop out.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

About this site

This site tries to chronicle some of the lowest moments in my life and is based on actual facts.The reader should note that there's no hype here.
We all know that ups and downs are part of our nature but some just leave a permanent mark in ones life and can't seem to let go off them.

About the logo

The idea of using the logo came about when we were pushing on at the garages.
People there had dreams of maybe one day owning their own companies and escape from the "tough" life.
Expressing Culture is what came into my mind.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


As part of the movement we've decided to shift a little bit from painting and have decided to design fashion accessories.These designs come in the form of drawings and shall be posted.

Clay diaries

Pottery is a traditional African expression of beauty and originality that still remains a marvel.
Revolving around day to day activities,the African pot is a symbol of life and sustenance,excellence and tradition.
In every traditional homestead the pot was treasured and safely guarded.It was in the pot that drinking water was stored to cool.
Food was known to be well prepared when cooked in a pot and the wedding beer and that of all other rituals had to be prepared in a pot.
But now that all those traditions and practices are slowly dying out,the role of the pot is changing except in the rural areas where the same old perceptions still exist.
The pot's role seems to have taken a new dimension.It is slowly losing its utility role and taking on an element of beauty.
Some experts in this area believe that using a paint brush one can find an outlet to express the inner most feelings by painting beautiful shades of different colours on the clay surface.
It's more like converting the clay surface into a painting ground.
This is unlike paper or canvas----Pots make the artist feel close to nature.
Coming in different sizes and shapes they have become more than utility assets.